Mastering Apache Velocity (Java Open Source Library) by Joseph D. Gradecki, Jim Cole
Mastering Apache Velocity (Java Open Source Library) by Joseph D. Gradecki, Jim Cole PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A comprehensive tutorial on how to use the power of Velocity 1.3 to build Web sites and generate contentDesigned to work hand-in-hand with Apache Turbine, Struts, and servlets, Velocity is a powerful template language that greatly enhances the developer's ability to customize Web sites. It separates Java code from the Web pages, making a site more maintainable. Because of this, it is a viable alternative to JSPs and PHP and is expected to become the standard template engine. In addition to its use with Struts and Turbine, Velocity can also be used to generate Java and XML source code, XML schemas, HTML templates, and SQL code.
Even with all its promise, finding expert instructions on how to properly program with this language has been difficult. This code-intensive tutorial gives you all the tools you'll need.
It begins by quickly bringing you up to speed on all of the Velocity fundamentals and the Velocity Template Language. You'll then learn how to apply Velocity in a variety of areas with the help of richly detailed code examples. Additionally, you'll be taken through the steps of building a complete application in order to see how you can utilize all of the techniques and technologies discussed in the book. Covering the latest features of Velocity 1.3, Mastering Apache Velocity shows you how to:
* Build Java-based Web sites with Struts, servlets, Turbine, and other open-source tools
* Generate a wide variety of Web content and code, including Java, XML, SQL, and Postgres
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