Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ Genital Dermatology Atlas by Libby Edwards

Genital Dermatology Atlas by Libby Edwards

Genital Dermatology Atlas

Genital Dermatology Atlas by Libby Edwards PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Featuring over 450 full-color photographs of common disease presentations, this text/atlas is a practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of genital dermatologic lesions. The book enables clinicians to quickly generate a differential diagnosis and provides specific treatment recommendations for each disease.
Core chapters are organized by disease presentation including patches and plaques, papules and nodules, and ulcers. Other chapters include anatomy and normal variants, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, special issues in genital dermatology, and pediatrics. Illustrations are organized by morphologic appearance for rapid diagnosis, and treatment is thoroughly described. This Second Edition is fully updated, includes more male genital disorders, and has new chapters on genital pain syndrome and on genital pruritus and the eczematous diseases.

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