Senin, 16 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Residence on Earth (New Directions Paperbook) by Pablo Neruda, Donald D. Walsh

Residence on Earth (New Directions Paperbook) by Pablo Neruda, Donald D. Walsh

Residence on Earth (New Directions Paperbook)

Residence on Earth (New Directions Paperbook) by Pablo Neruda, Donald D. Walsh PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

New Directions celebrates the Pablo Neruda Centennial.

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Pablo Neruda's birth, New Directions is pleased to announce the reissue of a classic work in a timeless translation by Donald D. Walsh and fully bilingual. Residence on Earth is perhaps Neruda's greatest work. Upon its publication in 1973, this bilingual publication instantly became "a revolution... a classic by which masterpieces are judged" (Review). "In Residence on Earth," wrote Amado Alonso, "the tornado of fury will no longer pass without lingering, because it will be identified with [Neruda's] heart."

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