Concordia's Complete Bible Handbook for Students by Jane Fryar, Various
Concordia's Complete Bible Handbook for Students by Jane Fryar, Various PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Who is this Bible Handbook for?Anyone who wants to take an in-depth look at each book of the Bible and learn more about important people, significant places, customs and traditions, and life in Biblical times.
What does this Bible Handbook provide?
This handbook starts with an introduction to the Bible, looking at questions such as:
Who wrote the Bible?
How is the Bible organized?
What's up with all those translations?
Is the Bible reliable and trustworthy?
How can I get the most out of the Bible reading I do?
The book then presents a survey of all 66 books of the Bible and the time between the Old and New Testaments. Readers will explore and discover the who, what, when, where, why and how of:
The Books of Moses
The Books of History
The Books of Wisdom
The Books of the Prophets
The Time Between the Testaments
The Gospels and Acts
The Pauline Epistles
The General Epistles and Revelation
In addition to summaries of major topics of the Bible, the handbook also includes articles, charts, diagrams, genealogies, illustrations, maps, outlines, overviews and timelines that provide additional detail for personal, group or class study.
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