Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ Mirror of Dreams (White Dove) (Book 3) by Yvonne Lehman

Mirror of Dreams (White Dove) (Book 3) by Yvonne Lehman

Mirror of Dreams (White Dove) (Book 3)

Mirror of Dreams (White Dove) (Book 3) by Yvonne Lehman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Katlyn Chander felt her life came to a terrifying halt the night a devastating accident crushed her legs and confined her to a hospital bed. The pretty sixteen-year-old regains consciousness to learn she might never walk again. Convinced her life is over, Katlyn and her father file charges against Zac Lambert, the drunk driver responsible for the accident. But even the sight of Zac behind bars might not be enough to still the storm in Katlyn's heart-

Zac Lambert thought he had everything going for him money, brains, and a smooth road into medical school until his sleek Corvette pinned Katlyn Chander to a storefront. Now the college sophomore has to face up to the fact his drinking and driving may cost Katlyn her legs-if not her life. With no choice but to accept the consequences, even if it means prison time, Zac struggles to put on a brave face. But can he survive Katlyn's father's desire for revenge?

One terrible moment has changes their lives forever-

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