Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Leaving Las Vegas by John O'Brien, Mike Figgis

Leaving Las Vegas by John O'Brien, Mike Figgis

Leaving Las Vegas

Leaving Las Vegas by John O'Brien, Mike Figgis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Named a Best Film of 1995 by the New York Film Critic's Circle and the L.A. Film Critics' Association

Nominated for four Oscars, including Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay, Leaving Las Vegas was the most lauded film of 1995, winning honors from several organizations as well as awards for its actors and its writer/director, Mike Figgis. The film depicts a lush, highly melancholic romance, a story about the mercy of finding love when love is least expected. Written in a spare, simple style, the script for this great film is herein enhanced by a series of notes by Figgis, who discusses the process by which the movie found its final form.

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