The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Hoodoo Voodoo Brouhaha (Simpsons (Harper)) by Matt Groening
The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Hoodoo Voodoo Brouhaha (Simpsons (Harper)) by Matt Groening PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Matt Groening, The toastmaster of trick-or-treat,whips up a witches' brouhaha of crazed clown cars, possessed cereal boxes, haunted hospitals, afterlife-binding cocktail napkin I.O.U.s, ring-driven fellowships, neighborly vampires, and costumed comic book guys. Add a revenge-filled bottle of Amontillado, and a rippingly good yarn from merry and bloody olde England, and you have a pleasingly putrid and asphyxiatingly amusing tome of tonsil-tickling terror and Halloween howl-arity with The Simpsons.
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