Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Teacher Messages for Home, Grades 3 to 6: Reproducible Notes to Promote Communication by Fearon

Teacher Messages for Home, Grades 3 to 6: Reproducible Notes to Promote Communication by Fearon

Teacher Messages for Home, Grades 3 to 6: Reproducible Notes to Promote Communication

Teacher Messages for Home, Grades 3 to 6: Reproducible Notes to Promote Communication by Fearon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Everything you need to make communication between school and parents efficient and convenient! Get messages to parents and caregivers without having to spend time preparing a new form for every occasion. Use "as is: or personalize in any way! Includes forms and letters for the start of the school year, open house, parent updates, student information, overdue work, weekly goals, volunteer requests, summer reading, and dozens more! 64 pp.

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